Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Life's a Pitch - Presentation Development

Thinking about how to set out the presentation, with the simple shapes we have made it is easy to translate these to the presentation. 

Simple shapes made by our group, just cutting up paper and then scanned them in. 
Can be used for a lot of things, bullet points, backgrounds on presentations etc. 

Here testing it on background for presentations using decided colour palette. 
- The individual shapes looks really lovely, not too crowded.
- When there are 2 shapes it also works fine, however when there are 3 shapes I think it becomes more distracting.
- The dark blue also needs ot be considered carefully as it can't be places behind the text as it is so dark.

Further Developments/variations:

- Again dark blue used sparingly, does this make it look like it isn't consistent and the pale blue and yellow are being used more intensely?
- Try using dark blue for things like bullet points?

Using the shapes for bullet points doesn't really add much, might be more distracting as people could be wondering why the bullet points look odd.
Like the idea of including them and them be the dark blue, however, I do think it's more distracting. 

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