5 min presentation
- communicate what you've learnt/experiences so far on the course (what's relevant)
- what has informed you to being more advance contemporary designer
- be reflective, who are you as a learner, as a designer?
- what has informed your current ambitions and aims for summer, L6 and beyond.
- what is it you want to achieve in L6?
Needs to reflect personal style, having character not just a typical powerpoint.
Have fun and make it engaging.
Showcase yourself as a designer through the presentation.
Can draw on contemporary design practice and relate this to your own practice.
- Can reference this in the presentation
Any projects that you feel are appropriate to talk about include these.
- Anything that went badly that you want to focus more time on?
- Anything that went well and highlighted an area that you want to focus on?
(can use examples of own work)
Look at ways of presenting:
- slideshow
- pecha kucha
- video/moving image
- storytelling
What will be most effective?
Through this presentation you should learn what you're about and where you see yourself going.
Where do you want to go/place yourself?
5 mins is quick, prep time!
- 5 min presentation uploaded to estudio on submission day
- The actual presentation
- Blog evidencing research and development into PPP Presentation. Document and be critical toward your own practice, be reflective etc.
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