Worked at IDO (product design)
Worked within branding
Frustrated with the disconnect between what the design industry think they're doing for change, compared to what's actually happening.
Is the change you think you're making actually making a difference?
Doesn't want to be considered part of "woke culture".
Not trying to change everything as they recognise the can't.
How to make something with no money involved, no attention fly?
Creativity for change - the philosophy of the company.
Design out of the creative bubble, and feel okay with that.
Jargon and design terminology can be altered to suit
Do you think you're isolating change from larger companies? If you were to work for an unethical company do you think you'd be able to infiltrate from the inside?
Working with Channel 4, where is the line to which companies you do and don't work with?
Work for the UN:
Very simple elements to be combined to create a consistent sense of branding.
Trying to present information as flat as possible? Not have any emotion tied to it (would be interesting to think about with COP).
Went into the Hope to Nope and decided to keep work in exhibition, would rather put pressure on the design museum to change their policies. Spoke about this in itsnicethat.
What does it mean to be british?
Travel around the country and get people in schools to participate and make a flag based on their own heritage.
Flags developed that refleted an individuals story - launched as an exhibition on the eve of the EU referendum (thinking about when to distribute something in relation to what's happening culturally 5050)
War Criminals:
Started campaign to arrest war leader in Sri Lanka.
hashtag arrestthegeneral
Made the tamul characters into an infographic.
Smuggled in the campaign merch into the UN
Again talks about this on itsnicethat
Started to be featured in publications (what design can do - netherlands).
Activism needs to be balanced withe legal side - activism doesn't work on it's own. There needs to be give and take on both sides.
Experimental business school in France, take CEOs from big corporations bring them down and then build them up to be more sustainability conscious.
Again something really simple translated across a wide range of formats (within branding)
Protesting: (plymouth college of art)
- the typeface, way of using the slogan really interesting, thinking about type as ink.
Survivor of Torture - charity
Again simple design technique applied to all areas of the company or brand etc.
Incorporating the individuals themselves into the branding, making it more cohesive.
Emotion cards = amazing intervention (research more)
Human Rights:
Frustrated when designers don't want to make actual help, they want to make a poster for an event to pat themselves on the back.
Use info-graphics to quickly deliver key findings (505)
- Really interesting to hear from someone who has very emotionally charged work, especially about how they have to appear neutral in a lot of cases as they're very sensitive.
- Pali was a very interesting character, he had strong opinions but made everyone very aware and made us know they were his opinions.
- Definitely made me think a lot about my work and how it can be placed into the world, how I would want it to be placed etc. Really beneficial for 505 as well as PP making me think beyond the dimensions of uni.
- Opened my eyes up to the limits of graphic design, how it can actually be used to benefit people, their lives, education etc.
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