Monday, 9 March 2020

What Have I Learnt in 502?

  • Talking to people is the best way to get answers.
    - Found when I spoke to professionals I got a lot of insight into the industry that I wouldn't have known otherwise.
    - Talking to people is also one of the best ways to get yourself out there and get you noticed. It's a good starting point for developing a career as a creative. It gets you used to the types of conversations you'll be having, this really helped with my confidence as a designer.
  • Ask the questions you want, even if you think they're silly.
    - If you hold back on something you're really curious about because you think it's going to make you look silly you'll always wonder what the answer is. It's better to ask the questions you want than ask a professional a question you think they'd want to be asked.
    - It is about the balance though.
  • It's okay to be unsure, it seems like everyone was at one point, or still is.- From going to events and talking to people in the industry I've really found that everyone had a struggle point where they weren't really sure if what they were doing was what they wanted to be doing, or that it wasn't their long term goal.
    - Also after talking to people at rt fairs etc, it seems like the creative industry is a great place to create the job you want for yourself (you can find like minded people and start something great).
  • I really want to work alongside other designers once I graduate.- When visiting Peter & Paul, as well as Dust I really liked the team energy in the spaces, the way Dan (Peter & Paul) spoke about the agency was so based around the team it was really positive and felt like an encouraging environment. Again talking to Pat, Alex and Andy (Dust) they had a really strong studio dynamic everyone was appreciated as an individual and as a valid member of the collective. 
  • Self growth is a continuous thing.- Feeling unsure about my work isn't necessarily a bad thing, it gives me more room to experiment and grow as a designer.
    - Talking to Alex and Andy about their new studio, AWAR, really showed me that you can take on new challenges and solve new problems you've been wanting to solve no matter where you are within the industry. 
  • The business side of the industry is important.- Of course I knew there was a business side to the industry and working in a studio, but I wasn't sure to what extent the designers were involved in this.
    - After talking to Dan I learnt a lot about how the clients influence the way you present your work, you need to show you know as much about them as they do.
  • Keep questioning, an inquisitive nature will never be frowned upon.- It seems as though within the industry not getting too complacent is a positive thing, people praise a curious nature and it shows in the work people make. 
  • Research is important, and research isn't what you think it is.- I've learnt this by talking to people in studios, Pat (Dust) believes research provides substance for a project. I feel this is an area I've been lacking recently.
    - This combined with the research presentation we've had from 505 has really made me reflect on what research is and how it can be used within my project.

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