Sunday, 9 February 2020

Creative Report Research - Drift, Ambrosia

Drift Magazine
Drift is a print magazine devoted to coffee culture. Each issue takes us to a different city across the globe, as our writers and photographers dive into what makes a city’s coffee scene tick.

> Layout very simple but effective, well applied to allow the photos as well as the text to have enough space to breath.
- Need to consider this when working on my own magazine, photos and text need to work harmoniously ob the page.
- Very clean, very crisp overall design, nothing competes it all has it's own time to shine. 
> Photos having full spreads as well as individual pages, nothing is too small.
- This could work well for the folded spreads, making the images hidden etc.

Ambrosia Magazine 
This issue (vol 6) unearths the history of the region’s eating culture, from the quintessential Sunday roast to front-of-house hospitality when you live in the city of the royal family.
Each edition of the magazine focuses on the food of a different place, volume 6 is about London.

> Very similar aesthetic to Drift, calm and balanced.
> It has more interesting layout on some of the pages
> Serif typeface, good for body text and ins translated across to the titles also. Very editorial looking, sleek and professional.

Both publications have a strong focus, presented through the photography as well as layout.

What do I want my magazine to show.
- Difficult nature to find things out about Sheffield's design scene
- Presenting people's responses/answers in a responsive format
- Photo's of workspace to show the differences.

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