Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Joe Gilmore - What is a Book?

Owned own studio
Teachers at uni of Leeds.
Is an artist as well as a Graphic Designer.

  • Specialises in Artbooks, thinking about the production value of the publication.
  • Lots of space within book design to be innovative.
  • Within artbooks, there's room to be imaginative and create something special, can be more considered than a novel.
  • Enjoys taking an experimental approach to anything he does. Especially within contemporary art (would be good to see more of this and let it influence my practice).
  • Artbooks have a formula to them, always have similar content, give you the space to be able to make each a new opportunity to try something new. 
ARTIST'S BOOKS (no client, just an idea, more artsy publications)
- Allows for more room to explore and experiment with what a book is.
*Dieter Roth
- The idea of adding by taking away in terms of publication.
- Void, a visual research project of found imagery from blog. Has a separate structure, on relating tot eh structure, the content dictating how you read it. (think about this within creative report, having the images positioned on the page in a way that makes you investigate it - could be easier and more interesting way of playing with the navigation aspect of the book that isn't just within the production.)
- sevenpointfourfivebooks.eu (look up for the challenge)
^ thought this would be a good way of forcing self to make 8 books in a year. Makes you really prolific.
- Content isn't always that important.
- Finding these intriguing factors in other places to relate to work (Finnegans wake).
- Seeing the structure of the book as a space compressed, how does it work, how does it fit,etc? Constantly questioning the way a book exists. 
- Creating pattern within the book, seeing a publication as a plain piece of paper and wrap images around, up, down, through etc. View the book as a 3D object. (think about this for both projects) 
*Find the page numbering really interesting within Gilmore's publications, they're designed to be a navigation tool more than just being placed in the corner. 
- Seems to find the meaning for content in something that is related to the concepts behind the book, or it has nothing to do with it at all. 
- Never sure of who is going to buy work, doesn't design for an audience, designs from what he's interested in and that interest in reflected in his work, this is why people would buy them. 
*Ulises Carrion - the rhythm within words.
- Taking something analysing it for what it is but then taking it to something else, viewing it through a different lens, the structure, focusing on a different word, different image, different line etc.
- Experimentation, very key within his practice, making things for the sake of making things, not with a purpose, but the outcome creates something new. The beauty of the visual language is in the randomness.
- Letting work exist alone, allow people to place their own thoughts on the project.
(folding things in half to have the narrative changed, one half on one page and the other on another, makes it nonsensical. Pages can marry simply by being placed next to each other.)
(folded content to have an interaction - this could be another interesting way to get the idea of Sheffield's design scene, people work together, there's a sense of community whether that's harmonious or not is unknown - thinking about what Alex from Dust said.)

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