Friday, 21 February 2020

Opening Event Ideas & Presentation Development

Opening Event Idea:

Thinking for the Crit group page and launch etc, having an opening event potentially to get creatives together as more of a social event before the crits begin. Allow people to get to know each other and develop relationships making attending the sessions less intimidating.

Thinking about contacting professionals, who?
People who are running workshops at Shearlait's studio:
Textile artist Lucy Freeman
Illustrator Laura of Dear Prudence
Blackletter artist Ellie Heywood
Surface designer Katie Gillies.
Calligrapher Phylecia

Other Creatives in Leeds:
Studio Build - Nicky, Ellie, Elena, Harriet, Micheal
Split Studio
Hungry Sandwich Club
Analogue Studio
Something More

Would be able to reach out further by gaining contacts from students and uni lecturers around uni (especially from 2nd years doing PPP projects).

Would be able to be held in Today Studio?
Might need to find an alternative place but would make most sense for the type of event if Shearlait wouldn't be able to host. Could use The Brunswick as it is free, would mean costs would be down.

Would there be an activity, or it just be a social?
If it was just a social people might be intimidated to talk to people if they attended alone. Could be good to have organised events, similar to doodle club in Sheffield.

Presentation Development

After group meeting decided to incorporate Rosie's Patterned shapes into the overall branding so the presentation need to be updated to account for this (just making sure to be careful using navy blue with text).

Also decided that the shapes being used as bullet points was a bad idea.

Need to start bringing in the finalised pieces to the presentation, exporting it and seeing how it looks, want to make sure nothing is pixelated.

- Slides with patterned shapes behind the text work fine, still legible.
- Scans of posters look very dull in comparison, could do with editing to be brighter. Could do with maybe taking photos instead of the pieces in place, could use lanie's camera.
- Slides with the photos of the studio are rather pixelated, could email Shearlait and ask for the photos if she still has them, if not make them smaller, have more than one image on a page.
- Need to make sure all the work is finalised form everybody so I can place it into the slides.

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