Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Creative Report - Initial Ideas

  • Creating a publication to showcase various creative/the creative scene in Sheffield. 
  • Wanting to showcase the idea that Sheffield has a design scene, it just isn't obvious to those not wanting to investigate.
  • Sheffield's history is very much based around the stainless steel industry, could this be incorporated into the publication or is it not relevant to the content?
  • Interviews and photographs of their space will be the content within the publication, interviews with Peter and Paul, Dust studio and Totally Okay will be included.
Wanting to push the idea of having to investigate to get something out of the publication. 
Feel as tough it would make most sense to be a magazine as it is showcasing interviews.



- These publications play on the idea of invisibility in multiple ways.

2&3 - The modernist magazine. This issue was based in invisibility, on some of the pages the text missing and on others the images were missing. I don't want to portray that Sheffield's design scene is invisible, however, there needs to be an element to communicate this underbelly vibe. 

1 - found on instagram, the publication itself was about the evolution of paper and recycling, but the cover was what caught my eye, the overlaid text one being printed the other being embossed creates an obvious and less obvious effect simultaneously. 

4 - Again here embossing has been used but on a metallic paperstock, this allows the embossed text to be more visible due to the reflective cover. This plays with light as well, creating a more obvious title on the book compared to number 1. 

> The idea of embossing and potentially having a dual title could be really interesting to play with.
- Could have Steel City printed on the cover (everyone knows Sheffield for the steel industry) but then with something like 'the creative edition' debossed overtop?
- Thinking back to 'why I'm no longer talking to white people about race' cover:

Sheffield's Independent Magazines:

- Chic (lifestyle Magazine)
- Article (local arts publication)
- Now then Magazine (Sheffield Culture)
- Mess (Culinary Magazine)

- Mess as a publication was designed by those at dust collective.
- The form of the book is conventional with the few unconventional pages, off centre, but with the text remaining central.
- Inks and paper stock were the key production elements that Mick Marston was keen to improve and develop.

1. Think about the conventions of a magazine.
2. Think about what could be broken.
3. Think about what should remain the conventional and why.

> I want people to be able to read the magazine, but have to investigate to find out some of the information. This could be achieved by:
- french fold pages
- embossing parts of the text
- having the pages be folded out to reveal the full spread

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